Measures taken by Juventus regarding COVID-19

Following the Prime Ministerial Decree of 18 May 2020 containing "urgent measures to contain the contagion on the whole national territory", the Italian Football Federation has decided to suspend all football sports competitions organized under its control until 14 June 2020.

Juventus continues to monitor the situation relating to Coronavirus (Covid-19) in compliance with the instructions given by the competent Authorities. Therefore, having taken note of the Prime Ministerial Decrees and the other extraordinary measures still in force for the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency that is Coronavirus, the Company has adopted a series of preventive measures that embrace all the Club's activities.


In compliance with the provisions from the Dpcm of 18 May 2020, the Juventus Museum will be closed to the public until 14 June, unless otherwise provided by ministerial provisions.

Sanitizing interventions on the surfaces of the workplaces will be carried out regularly through the use of disinfectants based of alcohol or sodium hypochlorite.

Lastly, the sanitization of each Juventus headquarters, team buses and of every garment used by the athletes through industrial dry cleaners, have been carried out.


The Juventus stores will follow the following program

Turin will be the first city to raise the shutters, with the reopening of all the stores (City Center, Megastore and Lingotto) scheduled for Monday, 18 May.

Then on Wednesday 20 May, the Roma City Center Store will reopen in the capital, followed by the Milano City Center Store, which will reopen on Friday, 22 May.

The opening hours will be as follows:

Turin City Center: 10.30 - 19.00

Stadium Megastore: 10.30am - 7.00pm

Turin Lingotto: 10.00 - 20.00

Rome City Center: 11.00 - 19.30

Milan City Center: 10.30am - 7.00pm


Following the Prime Ministerial Decree from 18 May, 2020, the Italian Football Federation has decided to suspend all footballing competitions organized under its control until at least 14 June

Male and Female First Teams

The three players tested positive for COVID-19: Daniele Rugani, Blaise Matuidi and Paulo Dybala all went through voluntary home isolation.

Daniele Rugani and Blaise Matuidi underwent, as per protocol, a double check with diagnostic tests (swabs) for the Coronavirus-Covid 19. The tests came back with negative results. As of 15 April, the players have, therefore, been declared fully recovered and are no longer subjected to the home isolation regime.

Paulo Dybala also underwent, as per protocol, a double check with diagnostic tests (swabs) for the Coronavirus-Covid 19. The tests came back with negative results. As 6 May, the player has, therefore, been declared fully recovered and are no longer subjected to the home isolation regime.

The UEFA Champions League Last 16 second leg tie, between Juventus and Lyon, originally set for Tuesday 17th March has been postponed until a later date.


The Head of the Medical Sector, Dr. Stefanini, in compliance with the provisions of the Scientific Group of Serie A sports physicians, has shared and explained to all the Male and Female First Teams the following 21 rules that also apply to managers, technical staff and insiders.

DO NOT DRINK FROM THE SAME BOTTLEDo not drink from the same bottle or glass, neither during a match nor in training. Use a disposable or normal a glass or a personalized bottle, and do not exchange other items such as towels, bathrobes, etc. with your companions.

DO NOT EAT IN THE CHANGING ROOMAvoid consuming food in the changing rooms.

CLOTHINGStore personal items and clothing in your bags, avoid leaving them exposed in the changing rooms.

PAPER HANDKERCHIEFSThrow away the paper tissues or other used materials such as plasters, bandages, etc. in the appropriate containers.

WASH HANDSWash your hands thoroughly as often as possible: hand washing and disinfectant are decisive to prevent infection. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and then, after rinsing them thoroughly, they should be dried with a disposable towel. If soap and water are not available, a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer can also be used.

TOILETWhen using common toilets, avoid touching the tap before and after washing your hands, but use disposable wipes to open and close it.

DISPENSER AND DISINFECTANTEncourage the use of automatic dispensers with adequate disinfectant cleaning solutions, both in the changing rooms and in the toilets.

DO NOT TOUCH EYES, NOSE, MOUTHDo not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

COUGH INTO THE ARMCover your mouth and nose with a tissue - preferably disposable - or with your arm, but not with your hand, should you cough or sneeze.

VENTILATIONVentilate all rooms as often as possible.

CLEAN TABLES, CHAIRS, TAPSPeriodically disinfect tables, benches, chairs, hangers, floors, taps, handles, showers and toilets with bleach or chlorine based disinfectant solutions, solvents, 75% ethanol, paracetic acid and chloroform.

WHAT TO DO IN THE POOLIn the case of sports activities or training in the pool, constant monitoring of the chemical parameters (chlorine or other disinfectant solutions) and physical parameters (including pH or temperature, which affects the level of chlorination) should be implemted.

WHAT TO DO AT THE SITE OF FIRST SYMPTOMSAthletes who show obvious symptoms of respiratory infection and / or fever must immediately leave the rest of the team, and possibly isolate themselves. They most notify the doctor in professional teams or the federation's medical officer. One can also call the Ministry of Health's 24-hour operating hotline at number 112 or at number 1500, without going to the Emergency Department.

VACCINATE AGAINST FLUFor those who have not yet been vaccinated against the flu, use the flu vaccine as quickly as possible, in order to make the diagnosis and management of a suspected case easier.

CONTACTS AT RISKInquire from athletes and company staff if there have been any contact has been made with person or a family member who have returned from areas that are at risk or in quarantine.

SPORTS MEDICAL SCREENINGUse the sports medical examination as a fundamental screening tool, through a careful history and objective examination for the identification of subjects potentially at risk of immune-related diseases.NATIONAL MEETINGSIn the event of national gatherings or international events also authorized abroad, always provide the presence of a Federation Doctor, who can evaluate all participants clinically, at a preventive level, whilst identifying any individuals at risk and adopting the more suitable isolation measures that follow appropriate management procedures according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.SOCIAL DOCTORSMedical staff must carefully monitor the countries to which they are heading to or from, according to the indications of the Ministry of Health. FMSI has set up a direct link and specific e-mail addresses for all the Federal Doctors, who are the reference point for the clubs and athletes, for a more effective coordination of information thanks to the direct line between the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Sport, Coni and FMSI.NO AWARDSAvoid award ceremonies or receiving awards or other forms of contact with the public (e.g. clubs or various events)THE RISK OF INTERVIEWSUse a single microphone in interviews to be disinfected each time (therefore not various microphones held by the journalist)AVOID CONTACT WITH FANSLeave the training center and/or stadium in the team bus or in a private vehicle all while avoiding physical contact with fans (e.g. avoiding selfies, autographs and hugs).


All Juventus Women's activities - matches and training - has been suspended until a date yet to be confirmed

Under 23

The Serie C championship is suspended, as well as the team's training.

Youth sector

Following the Prime Ministerial Decree of 10 April 2020, the Italian Football Federation has decided to permanently suspend the following youth Championships and Tournaments organised by the Youth and School Sector, scheduled for the 2019/2020 sports season:

  • National Youth Championships, Under 18 Serie A and B, Under 17 Serie A and B, Under 17 Serie C, Under 16 Serie A and B, Under 16 Serie C, Under 15 Serie A and B and Under 15 Serie C;
  • National youth tournaments, interregional stages and final stages Under 14 PRO and Under 13 PRO;
  • Eliminatory phase and National final phase of the Under 17 and Under 15 Amateur and Pure Sector Championships;
  • Eliminatory phase and national final phase of the Football Championships for 5 Under 17 and Under 15 Amateurs and Pure Sector;
  • Interregional and final stages of the Under 17 and Under 15 Women's National Youth Championships.

Male youth sector

UNDER 19 - All the matches of the Primavera 1 TIM Championship are suspended, along with training. The Youth League game against Real Madrid, initially scheduled for 11 March, has been postponed to a later date.

UNDER 17-UNDER 15 - Official activity suspended.

UNDER 14-UNDER 13 - Official activity suspended.

UNDER 12-UNDER 7 - Official activity suspended.

Female youth sector

All activities (including Under 19) are suspended.


The games of Matchday 6 of the eFootball.Pro tournament, in which Juventus is participating in, initially scheduled for Saturday 7th March, has been postponed to a date to be determined.


To date, in light of the additional restrictions imposed by the DCPM of 11.3.2020 and with the exception of the Headquarters (HQ), the training centres (JTC Continassa and Vinovo) and the stadium, all other workplaces have been closed .

The company activity at the Headquarters (HQ), the training centres (JTC Continassa and Vinovo), as well as the stadium has been reduced to the essential minimum, only activities that are deemed necessary (including the sanitization of the workplace).

The presence of employees was consequently reduced to the minimal amount necessary.

Finally, Juventus has given precise instructions to its employees, asking them to scrupulously comply with the following health and hygiene instructions:

• wash your hands often and use hydroalcoholic solutions for hand washing;

• avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections;

• avoid hugs and handshakes;

• maintaining an interpersonal distance of at least one metre in social situations;

• respiratory hygiene (sneezing and/or coughing in a handkerchief avoiding hand contact with respiratory secretions);

• avoid shared use of bottles and glasses, especially during sporting activities;

• do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;

• cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough;

• do not take antiviral drugs and antibiotics, unless they are prescribed by your doctor;

• clean surfaces with chlorine or alcohol based disinfectants;

• use a mask only if you suspect that you are sick or if you are assisting people who are unwell.

Juventus also asked all employees from all of the various locations to limit their travel between workplaces to movements strictly necessary for working reasons. The Company is implementing concrete initiatives and measures to support its employees aimed at supporting everyone, including with particular regard to families.