Juventus Goals: our commitment to inclusivity and our fight against discrimination 

Respect, diversity and inclusion.

These core values have long been at the heart of everything Juventus does, as it strives to improve not only itself, but the global community as a whole.

Juventus Goals represents the embodiment of all of the social impact initiatives Juventus has championed over the past ten years, to which new and valuable collaborations are constantly added with the aim of leveraging the values of Sport to concretely contribute to the evolution of Society and the new generations.

This commitment undertaken in person by the Club is consolidated with a new path: #DIFFERENCES MAKE THE DIFFERENCE.

In this way, the Club wants to reaffirm the desire to continue in a long-term project based on concrete actions and programs, in which the difference in the fight against all forms of prejudice and discrimination is dictated not only by actions, but by real understanding and inclusion of diversity.

The club believes that the key to fighting all forms of prejudice and discrimination lays not just with the actions of individual people, but with the power of differences, which – when brought together – result in a strong, more cohesive shared movement, underpinned by inclusivity and tolerance.

The first step in the brand-new campaign is represented by Sulla Razza [On Race] – Powered by Juventus, a podcast whose aim is to introduce a number of concepts and expressions from English-speaking cultures into Italian, including BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic), fair skin privilege and colourism.

The idea of creating a podcast like Sulla Razza stems from the need to initiate a conversation around race in Italy – and to do so using up-to-date language and via a format which will analyse, contextualise and explain the meaning of these terms. The podcast will have three hosts: Nadeesha Uyangoda, a freelance author, Nathasha Fernando, who teaches Media and Sociology at the University of Westminster (UK), and Maria Mancuso, the editor and co-speaker of S/Confini.

The first series of the podcast will consist of 12 episodes, with one episode released every two weeks for the next six months. The podcast will be available on Spotify, Apple Podcast and Google Podcast, with the first episode set for release on Friday 12 February.

Another important part of #DIFFERENCES MAKE THE DIFFERENCE is the tenth edition of Un Calcio Al Razzismo [A Kick to Racism], an educational project which aims to draw a line in the sand to keep all forms of discrimination out. The initiative – which is promoted by Juventus and originally began in Piedmont before expanding to the rest of Italy – targets secondary school pupils and aims to offer a new educational model designed to use the power of words to overcome discrimination. The programme features digital modules and activities for the classroom and home, tackling issues such as stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination and racism.

These projects, alongside others such as Gioca con Me [Play with Me], Fair People and Juventus for Special, all fall under the umbrella of Juventus Goals, whose ultimate aim is to use educational and recreational activities to make younger generations more aware of and responsible for the language they use.