More Colorful Together: once again this year Juve is supporting the social fund sprung from Milano Pride!

Once again this year Juventus takes a stand in defence of rights and to underline the importance of respect.

Juventus confirms its commitment to More Colorful Together, a campaign through which the club renews its support for the Rainbow Social Fund and its community. The journey began last year, when the club was the first sports-based sponsor of the event, and through which we proudly confirm our desire to break down stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination, celebrate diversity and defend equality, in the hope of an increasingly inclusive society.

The choice that links Juventus to Pride is full of meaning as it aims to spread the theme of inclusion also in the sporting arena.

With "More Colorful Together" the club has been the message carrier of essential values to protect those who are most exposed to social risks; a long journey and not without recognition, such as the award for "Italia in Campo contro l'Omofobia" [Italy on the field against Homophobia], won a year ago for the "sports clubs" category, thanks to the video "We are black and white and all the colors between them", which in 2021 sent a loud and clear message with best wishes to Lina Hurtig (then-Juventus Women player) and her wife Lisa Lantz on the birth of their baby girl.

What is more, to give coherence and even more strength to the project of raising awareness, on Valentine's Day it was decided to promote the concept of love without distinction, in a world where anyone is free to love freely, universally and unconditionally. With "Celebrate love with Pride" the Juventus players also took part in the launch of the campaign, to reinforce the essential meaning of the message, and proudly reaffirm the club's stance and mechanisms put in place.

There is also the partnership with Milano Pride to support the LGBTQIA+ community, an invitation for all to release the power of our colors and celebrate our different shades, together and with pride.

Juventus therefore proudly continues along this path, confirming itself as a great - and in some ways unique - point of reference in implementing actions on issues aimed at fairness and respect throughout the sporting sphere.

The road is long, but the goal is to remain attentive and involved in the delicate process of inclusiveness, and doing so by taking concrete steps.

Together. More Colorful Together!