PRESS ROOM | Comments after Juve-Bologna


"We must undoubtedly start off from the second half we played. The team was a little tense in the beginning, passing the ball around slowly, but we mustn't forget that there are also opponents on the pitch and Bologna played a good game tonight. We probably also felt the effects of the first home game. We wanted to put on a show, but above all, a bit of calm was needed. At the moment we have to look at the positive aspects and one of them is that we had an excellent second half. We are sad that Dusan's goal at the beginning of the second half didn't stand, because it would have been important to draw level at that moment of the match, but we pushed anyway and found the equaliser in the end."


"I'm happy to be back on the pitch, it's important to be in the right condition to help the team. I feel very good and I'm hungry to work, to play, to win, just like when I was young. I'm sorry we didn't win, but we'll take this point, because we need it to gain experience. We have to play our game, attack, widen the play: we did it tonight, but it wasn't enough."