The season starts again, together!

Let's return together. Literally.

The 2023/24 season is the one that marks an important anniversary for our history: 24 July will in fact be the centenary of the first Agnelli presidency, that of Edoardo, in office starting on 24 July 1923. That day will be a opportunity to experience together, through our digital channels, something special... but we won't reveal everything just yet.

From digital... to physical: the start of the new season will be dotted with a series of activities, designed to experience the opening stages of new year side by side, together.

The first date to be circled in red on the calendar is 9 August 2023, the day on which the doors of the Allianz Stadium will be opened free of charge to everyone to attend a First Team training session. A special moment, in our home, to feel closer than ever and give the team energy ahead of the start of the new season; in the next few days we will explain in detail how to gain access to this first big event.

As mentioned, this will not be an isolated event. Fans will have a series of opportunities to experience this new beginning: open training sessions, special days at the Juventus Museum and activities in the Juventus Stores, experiences at the Allianz Stadium, and various Meet & Greets. In short, the opportunities will be in abundance.

This special period will culminate in a spectacular event in the autumn, the culmination of a path made of sharing, aimed at all the fans who want to participate.

And so, we start again, side by side, united with the team, because the best way to face the challenges that await us is to be together. Stronger, together.