
#AskMartina! Juventus Women midfielder takes questions on Twitter

#AskMartina! Juventus Women midfielder takes questions on Twitter
#AskMartina! Juventus Women midfielder takes questions on Twitter
#AskMartina! Juventus Women midfielder takes questions on Twitter

On Thursday afternoon, Juventus Women midfielder Martina Rosucci took some time out of her busy schedule to take questions from the many Juventus Women fans on Twitter!

"Yes, I'm very superstitious," said Rosucci. "I'll tell you my one ritual: I always play with the same hair band."

If Martina wasn't playing football? Well she'd be a teacher or a singer! We're certainly glad she's on Juventus Women though!

"Absolutely not," Rosucci said about if she thought the first year at Juventus Women would be so impressive. "Although even in the first month, I sensed that something big could be done. I was surprised by the great work that the staff does behind every single exercise."

To read the rest of the chat, head over to @JuventusFCWomen and if you don't speak Italian fire up the Google Translate to learn much more about Martina!

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