heysel mole 2024 3

Heysel: A day of commemoration

Heysel: A day of commemoration
Heysel: A day of commemoration
Heysel: A day of commemoration

Not only not to commemorate, but to preserve the memory of Heysel forever: this is the objective of the many initiatives that, as has been the case for the past 39 years, make 29 May the day on which to remember, with greater reverence, what happened on the tragic night at Heysel, where 39 lives were claimed in a nightmare of events.

In Turin, at the Italo Calvino civic library, a commemoration with the city and regional authorities, together with the 'Quelli di via Filadelfia' association, was held. Juventus president Gianluca Ferrero was present, alongside the official crest representing the club.

The official banner in the evening was also taken to the garden in Via Galimberti, in Borgata San Giacomo in Grugliasco, for another moment of reflection with the city authorities and in collaboration with the Juventus Official Fan Club Grugliasco "Alessio Ferramosca & Riccardo Neri”.

The evening ended with the Mole Antonelliana illuminated in memory of the victims, with the evocative view and a photograph that makes what happened 39 years ago even more emotional.

A series of commemorations will continue over the next few days: on the afternoon of Thursday 30 May, in the city of Cherasco with the municipal authorities and in the presence of the association 'Quelli di via Filadelfia' in association with JOFC Alba Pompeia, a celebration in Via Vittorio Emanuele at the Gardens of the 'Madonna delle Grazie' Sanctuary will take place, with the delivery and laying of a floral tribute, as well as the presence of the club's official crest.

On Sunday 2 June, in Reggio Emilia at the Heysel Monument in the city, another moment of recollection organised by the committee 'Per non dimenticare Heysel' of Reggio Emilia will be held, with the participation of Juventus’ Sergio Brio (with the club also represented by the official crest).

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