18 August 2014
You didn't just turn up wearing your Juventus shirts, scarves, caps and anything else black and white that you could pull on; you also came carrying oodles of Bianconeri passion. The love you displayed for our colours made us feel well and truly proud. Put simply, you showed what it means to be J-Members!
In Indonesia, Australia and Singapore you put your hearts into the exclusive activities we organised for you, whether it was getting to know the players at Meet&Greets, attending the team's training sessions as the club's guests or watching the three thrilling exhibition matches Juve played on tour.
You demonstrated the real meaning of #WeAreOne, something we think is abundantly clear in the photos we've gathered together in this gallery.
Thank you for your reminding us once again that real Bianconeri passion knows no borders.
If you want the chance to experience events like this and enjoy lots of other benefits, sign up to JuventusMembership now!