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Juventus Camps enjoy success in Belux

Juventus Camps enjoy success in Belux
Juventus Camps enjoy success in Belux
Juventus Camps enjoy success in Belux

More than 500 children took part in eight Juventus Camps between 4 and 8 April across Belgium and Luxembourg in what comes as the latest proof of the club’s ever-growing appeal in the two countries.

The seven Belgian camps based in Cointe, Paturages, Dottignies, Berchem, Hasselt, Jambes and Grez-Doiceau and one in Differdange, Luxembourg played host to a total 24 Juventus coaches alongside local assistants.

After this early-April success story, the fun does not stop there: in May, 32 of the children to have participated in the Juventus Camp Belux will have the chance to come to Turin and enjoy a tailor-made Juventus Training Experience.

This particular programme entails training with Juventus coaches, tours of Juventus Stadium and J-Museum, friendly matches with J-Academy teams in Turin as part of a very similar initiative to the one which took place this March with 80 participants from Chile, Lebanon, the United Kingdom and Miami.

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