
Juve-Inter to be played on 13th May

Juve-Inter to be played on 13th May
Juve-Inter to be played on 13th May
Juve-Inter to be played on 13th May

The Derby d'Italia will take place on Wednesday 13th May 2020.

That was the decision just announced by Lega Serie A for the following reasons:

With regards to article 1. co. 1 letter A) of the Decree from the President of the Council of Ministers on 25 February 2020 on “Further provisions for the implementation of the Decree Law no. 6 of 23 February 2020, taking urgent measures for the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency caused by COVID-19,”; considering the numerous urgent regulatory interventions from the Government to protect public health and safety in response to this extraordinary emergency.

The provision does not only concern Juventus-Inter, but also the following matches of Week 26 in the Serie A calendar:





The decision also involves the postponement of the Coppa Italia final, initially scheduled for 13th May, to the following week, Wednesday 20th May.

Further guidance regarding tickets for the match will be announced on Monday 2nd March.

Here is the communication from Lega Serie A.

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