27 August 2019
Allowing the fans to experience moments of celebration and sport in absolute serenity has always been one of the top priorities for Juventus, and it is no coincidence that the Allianz Stadium has equipped itself, since its inauguration, with the most advanced security systems that, in over the years, have been updated and perfected from time to time.
This is also what happened during this summer. In view of the new season, the closed-circuit video surveillance apparatus was in fact further implemented, along with seven full HD cameras in the access areas and the installation of nine multi-focal Panomera.
Eight of these, aimed at the stands, complement the 14 already present and complete the total coverage of the basin, allowing the club to not only to film any event that occurs in the location, but to identify those responsible with high precision.

The recent Panomera, of the latest generation, is positioned between the turnstiles and the access areas to the stands, in a particularly sensitive area, and will allow 360 ° shooting.
Furthermore, new highly sensitive directional microphones have been installed, which will allow recording and dissecting of the audio from the stands, so as to be able to identify more precisely the origin of choirs or other verbal manifestations.
Finally, in the East sector of the stadium, new portal metal detectors were installed to facilitate the flow of the public and reduce time wasting for access to the stadium.