15 October 2020
- Approval of the financial statements as of 30 June 2020, reporting a loss of € 89.7 million covered by using the share premium reserve
- Approval of the report on the remuneration and compensation policy
- Appointment of Deloitte & Touche S.p.A. as external auditor for financial years 2021/2022 –
- 2023/2024
Turin, 15 October 2020 – The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Juventus Football Club S.p.A. was held today in Turin, chaired by Andrea Agnelli. In order to minimize the risks connected with the health emergency related to the spread of Covid-19 virus, the participation of those entitled to vote at the Shareholders’ Meeting took place exclusively through the designated representative, without the physical participation of any shareholder.
The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting approved the financial statements as of 30 June 2020, reporting a loss of € 89.7 million (compared to a loss of € 39.9 million in 2018/2019), which was covered by using the share premium reserve.
Moreover, the Shareholders’ Meeting, approved Section I of the “Report on the remuneration and compensation policy” and gave a favourable opinion on the Section II of the same report.
Lastly, the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting – in light of the expiry of the external auditor mandate entrusted to EY S.p.A. in connection with the approval of the financial statements as of 30 June 2021 – resolved, upon recommendation of the board of statutory auditors, to entrust Deloitte & Touche S.p.A. with the external audit mandate for three financial years (i.e. for the financial years which will end from 30 June 2022 to 30 June 2024 or for the longer duration provided for by the applicable regulations).
For further information, reference should be made to the Annual Financial Report as of 30 June 2020 and to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting documentation made available on Juventus Football Club S.p.A. website, as well as on the authorised storage mechanism “1INFO”.
The short voting report and the minutes of the shareholders’ meeting will be published according to the terms and procedures provided by the applicable laws and regulations.

In the context of the review process of the operational and organisational model started in May 2020 and which will continue in the upcoming months, Juventus also announces the adoption of a new organisational structure that envisages the concentration of the Company’s activities in two macro-structures: the Football Area and the Business Area.
The coordination of each area is assigned to a managing director who directly reports to the Executive Chairman, Andrea Agnelli: Fabio Paratici for the Football Area and Stefano Bertola for the Business Area.
Giorgio Ricci will continue to hold the role of Chief Revenue Officer; Stefano Bertola maintains the pro-tempore role of Chief Financial Officer, as well as of Manager Responsible for corporate financial reporting pursuant to article 154-bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance (Italian Legislative Decree n. 58/1998).
Federico Cherubini assumes the role of Football Director, directly reporting to Fabio Paratici, who maintains the direct responsibility of the First Team.