Cagliari - Juve

Stat Of The Game | Cagliari - Juventus

Stat Of The Game | Cagliari - Juventus
Stat Of The Game | Cagliari - Juventus
Stat Of The Game | Cagliari - Juventus

THE PERFECT HAT-TRICK Right foot, left foot and a headed goal for Cristiano Ronaldo: it was the first perfect hat-trick for a Juventus player in Serie A since August 2007 (Trezeguet against Livorno).

QUICK TREBLE Second-fastest career hat-trick for Cristiano Ronaldo: three goals in the first 32 minutes, only against Espanyol in September 2015 he did better, in 20 minutes.

A GOAL IN EVERY STADIUM With his in the Sardegna Arena, Cristiano Ronaldo has now scored in each of the 18 stadiums he played in Serie A.

SCORING IN 2021 In 2021, Juventus have scored on seven occasions at least three goals; in Serie A, only Atalanta have done it more times (eight) in this period.

CUADRADO THE ASSIST MAN Juan Cuadrado has delivered six assists in the league this season, his highest in a single season between Serie A and Premier League.

CHIESA INVOLVEMENT Federico Chiesa (three assists and four goals) has been involved in seven goals in his last seven games with Juventus.

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