
The students of J College learn about the economy

The students of J College learn about the economy
The students of J College learn about the economy
The students of J College learn about the economy

"Transferring to youngsters the notions and the concepts of fundamental importance for their lives, with precision and through active involvement." These are the words of Stefano Braghin, Head of the Academy Organizational Department and Juventus Women, who explains the aims of the training and financial education path. The course, which involved 100 students of Juventus College and lasted for a year a concluded today, with a final lesson held in the WINS auditorium - World International School of Turin at J College.

The initiative, the result of the agreement between Juventus, UBI Banca and the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings, has engaged speakers and students in lectures and group work, that during the school year was integrated with the academic programme, this morning it ended with the conference "Choose what I want". The discussion focused on the urgency to increase the skills of economic citizenship, which are now essential in today's society, focusing mainly on the value of providing young sport professionals with the tools to make informed choices.

"Training in rational and ethical economic choices fits perfectly in the programme and in the formative aims of our high school and the approach brought to the classroom by UBI Banca and Feduf proved effective", Braghin added.

During the day, students enjoyed an interactive lesson on behavioural economics that explained the mechanisms of the most basic of economic operations: the choice. For example, between buying a home by entering into a mortgage with a bank or continuing to pay rent, or between buying a smartphone in cash or by binding with a contract for 24 months to a telephone operator.

"This day - explained Vincenzo Algeri, head of the UBI Community Area of ​​UBI Banca - is the conclusion of a shared path with Juventus and FEduF that has offered young J College students an opportunity to develop the economic skills needed both in the present, in which they are and for their personal future. We have provided the students with the conceptual tools and the basics to get closer to the conscious use of money, in response to the growing demand for financial expertise, which is now necessary for every age."

During the last school year, the initiative involved 100 students, with diverse content for those aged between 14-17 and for those from 18 to 20. The former were consulted with UBI and FEduF professionals on topics such as labour, income and consumption issues, as well as addressing cases related to savings, investment and money management. Older students have tackled more technical topics related to savings and investment and how to evaluate a mortgage or use payment systems. The course included the group work, with presentations and discussions in the class with the technique of "role playing".

"If teaching Italian and mathematics is still a priority, there is no doubt that young people have to deal with new contexts and learn new languages, especially those related to financial education - said Giovanna Boggio Robutti, Director General of the Foundation for the Financial and Savings Education - Today it is essential to start an effective collaboration between the school and the world of work, in particular the financial sector, to help young people to increase the fundamental economic skills, from the conscious use of money and tools to manage for savings and planning."

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