04 August 2022
What makes the happening this afternoon so special?
Could it be the fact that traditionally it is one of the last appointments of the Bianconeri pre-season? Or is it that the union of tradition and modernity, a celebration of football, makes the event so proudly unique and, perhaps, out of time?
Or the fact that at Villar the entire Juve 'family' enjoys a heartfelt reunion? Or the fact that the Juventus afternoon party returns after a two-year absence?

History | Villar Perosa
Perhaps it is simply the bringing together of all these aspects. Juve are back to play today, together with the Under 23 team, on the pitch of the delightful town of Val Chisone, a few kilometers outside of Turin - a town of just over four thousand inhabitants, one tenth of the capacity of the Allianz Stadium.
Villar is a symbolic location for the Agnelli family as it was here that Giovanni Agnelli, the grandfather of Gianni and Umberto, was born in 1866. It was l'Avvocato who in 1959 started what has evolved into a unique tradition in the world of Italian and, who knows, world football.
Since then, all the great champions of Juventus history have paraded there skills here, year after year.

The event is also one of the last gatherings with the Juventus fans, a chance to wish the players good luck before the season officially starts.
And that's how it will be also today, with the First Team taking on the Under 23 in a friendly that we can't wait to sit back and take in all together.