Fioranna Vittoria Negri

Name: Fioranna Vittoria
Surname: Negri
Role: Independent Director
Nationality: Italian
Graduated in Economics from the University of Turin, Fioranna Negri is a certified chartered accountant, and certified public auditor. She has 35 years of experience in auditing companies operating in commerce, industry, publishing, tourism, services and finance, including companies listed on the MTA of Milan and AIM Italy. She has also developed various experiences in all professional activities related to the internal control and risk management system at various levels and functions.
She is Chair of the Company Law Commission, appointed by the Council of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Milan, she is a university lecturer at the Nicolò Cusano University of Rome.
She serves as Standing Auditor for several companies including Wikimedia, Satispay and Guala Closures. She is a member of the Supervisory Bodies of several companies including Autostrade per l'Italia.