It’s one of the most exciting moments as a Juventus fan: to experience the Allianz Stadium, seeing all the scarves raised aloft, hearing the anthem blast out the speakers before being drowned out by the thousands of fans becoming one, single voice.


A word that, in this 2021 that is ending, has taken on new and always exciting meanings. We start from our hymn, which we have returned to singing at home. In it, there is a sentence that has many meanings, if you read it in the light of this present, so changeable and complicated:

"Each new page, you know, will still be the story of all of us."

And it is precisely that "all of us" at the center that we look back upon fondly, and which drives us on into the new year.

Twelve months ago, we were forced to play in a deserted stadium, in which any ball kicked made a dull, yet very loud noise, amplified by the empty stands.

Thank you, Bianconeri! | A tribute to the Juventus fans for their support at Allianz Stadium

Gradually, we returned, even if not yet at full capacity, back to our home, to sing our anthem, to live through the game’s emotions, to curse that ball that hit the post, to applaud a great play, to cheer for a goal.

Only together can great results be achieved. The story told in 2021, as we have already said, was by no means a walk in the park: the field tells of not simple leagues, of chases, but also of raised cups. Two this year: the Italian Cup, the culmination of a path that led up to the Reggio Emilia final against Atalanta, and the Super Cup, raised to the sky in the same theatre after defeating Napoli. These successes, combined with the satisfactions that come from the many projects in which Juventus believes.

A few examples?

Together, the Juventus Women are continuing to write incredible pages of history, and it is a story that, just a few weeks ago, welcomed a new stage in Europe.

The Under 19 boys have impressively won their Youth League group, and are preparing for another breathtaking adventure.

The Under 23 team is continuing its growth path, year after year.

Together, every day, all our boys, from the Academy to the Youth Sector, returned to laugh, to smile and above all, play , each one chasing a dream called Juventus.

And so we enter 2022 with a great wealth of projects, ideas, dreams, aims, and a desire to win. And we enter it with a certainty: there will only be one way to face the months that await us and the challenges we have ahead of us.

The only one we know: together.

Happy New Year, Bianconeri!

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